October 3, 2024

Caring For Your Horse As The Weather Warms

Georgia’s Trusted Equine Veterinarian Shares Wellness Tips To Help You Care for Your Horse

As the weather changes, temperatures and humidity rise, and insects become more active, you’ll want to take extra precautions when caring for your horse. In an effort to ensure your gentle giant’s overall health, comfort, and well-being, your trusted equine veterinarian shares a few handy hints you can include in your wellness care routine this summer. Keep reading to learn more, and contact us for compassionate equine veterinary services in Covington and beyond.

Inspect Your Horse's Skin, Coat & Hooves

Horses will begin shedding their thick winter coats during spring. As the weather warms, help your horse along by

brushing them regularly to improve their coat and keep them comfortable. During your routine grooming sessions, be sure to inspect their skin and coat, checking for skin irritations like dermatitis and insect bite hypersensitivity in horses, as well as wounds. Routine inspections can also help you spot the first signs of health issues that can develop into serious problems if left unaddressed.

Additionally, be sure to inspect their hooves for punctures, cracks, abscesses, and lodged objects. Not only that, the humidity creates an ideal environment for bacteria, so you’ll want to check their hooves for bacterial infections like thrush, which can cause serious health complications to develop if left untreated.

Discuss Disease Control

The rising temperatures and humidity here in Georgia create the perfect environment for pests like mosquitos, flies, and ticks to thrive in — especially if you live near swampy regions or bodies of water. These nuisance pests carry and transmit viral infections to horses through their bite, which can pose serious, even fatal health risks if left untreated.

Should your beloved horse become infected with a viral infection, timing is of the essence. Be sure to contact us immediately if they’re displaying signs or symptoms, and discuss disease control with your veterinarian. They can recommend a safe and effective deworming treatment to help them recover and get back to living their best life.

Make sure your horse is up-to-date on its vaccinations as well with temperatures heating up. Vaccines protect against diseases carried by mosquitos.

Learn What New Diseases Are Prevalent In Your Area

Just like their human counterparts,

horses are at risk of becoming sick with diseases that can decrease their quality of life and even become fatal. Take a proactive approach to safeguard your gentle giant from illnesses by learning about both common and new diseases prevalent in your area.

We encourage you to talk to your veterinarian, and of course, check our blog frequently for updates on new diseases in Covington and throughout Georgia.

Develop A Dental Plan

Dental care is a must for horses year-round as it is essential to maintaining their overall health and wellness. In fact, equine dental disorders are more common than you might think. If your four-legged friend has a cracked tooth, mouth infections, sharp points on their teeth, or periodontal disease, these issues can cause significant discomfort and may threaten your horse’s livelihood and longevity.

Partner with your veterinarian at Countryside to maintain routine dental care, and develop an at-home dental care routine to ensure their optimal oral health.
